“It’s an honor to be trusted by clients to represent them as they struggle to rebound from a terrible tragedy, and we work as hard as we can to earn that trust each day.” – David Mitchell.
David Mitchell is an attorney in the Port St. Lucie office of Steinger, Greene & Feiner. David’s family, friends, and anyone who knows him well will tell you he is competitive, and that his hardworking nature is what his clients love about him.
And what does David love? David loves a challenge. Case in point…
Carefully recreating the conditions of a car accident to use as admissible evidence in a court case might sound like something from a Hollywood movie. But that is exactly what David did to exonerate and vindicate a client. David brought justice to a man that was wrongfully forced into one of the worst situations of his life.
The elderly gentlemen had reached out to Steinger, Green & Feiner following car accident and after being sued and incurring over $100,000 in medical bills that he couldn’t afford. David’s client thought all hope was lost. But, thankfully, he was wrong. David recreated the conditions of the accident and proved that the other party had been traveling in excess of THREE times the legal speed limit at the time of the accident.
That’s right, David recreated the conditions for an accident, to prove that his client was innocent.
Move over Steven Spielberg, David Mitchell is her to solve a real-life drama. Someone call Daniel Day-Lewis and get him to play David. Is it Oscar season yet?
That case has been the highlight of David’s legal career so far, but with his level of hard work and determination and passion, everyone knows that there are many more to come.
David S. Mitchell grew up in Cortland, NY surrounded by the kind of snow that only someone from the Central New York snow belt can appreciate. David early on that he genuinely enjoyed discussing complex issues and investigating to try to find answers; and his cases prove that finding answers in complex situations is still something he strives to do daily. His career is a testament to hard work, persistence, and the passion needed to fight for clients every day.
David is a shining example of an attorney that loves their job and cares for their clients.
David graduated from Tufts University in 2004 and relocated to Florida, where he attended law school at the University of Florida, earning his Juris Doctorate degree in 2009, with honors. He is a member of both the Florida Bar and St Lucie County Bar Associations.
After being admitted to the Florida Bar in 2010, and prior to joining Steinger, Greene & Feiner, David practiced as a civil defense litigator, representing large corporations and insurance companies in personal injury, slip, and fall, automotive. It was here that David learned the inner workings of the insurance industry. He uses this knowledge to fight for his clients and ensure that his clients are given the compensation they deserve.
David looks forward to work every day and is truly passionate about the law, about helping clients, and about justice. He is one of the best West Palm Beach car accident lawyers we could hope for. At the firm in his happy place, there’s almost nowhere else David wants to be except at home with his wife Laura, and their three beautiful children.
This attorney spotlight is part of a series to highlight the outstanding work and dedication that Steinger, Greene & Feiner attorneys deliver every day.