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Donating to Families First of Palm Beach County for Child Abuse Awareness



Steinger, Greene & Feiner dressed in denim and donated to Families First of Palm Beach County in an effort to recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April 2020. Lawyers, paralegals, and team members at the firm’s Port Saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, and Fort Lauderdale locations went casual for the cause, adorning their favorite pairs of jeans on Friday, April 30th.

Every penny raised was donated directly to Families First of Palm Beach County totaling $1,083.38.

The support and protection of children is one of our core missions. We believe that it’s the responsibility of every adult to ensure that a child’s life is filled with the love and support they need. And if a family is struggling, like so many families are, then we want to help in any way we can.

Demin Day is a collaborative effort with the goal to unite our community to remember that creating safe, happy, and healthy spaces for our children is so important.

Participating companies donate $5 or more and show up to work on April 20th wearing their jeans in support.

FTL Demin Day

Denim day group

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