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Rachel Moore: Fight Because It’s Worth It – Ladies of The Law



Rachel Moore has a message for all women considering a career as a lawyer. “Accept the challenge and fight through the obstacles. Once you feel like you are reaching the other side, you realize just how worth it the struggle was.”

Rachel continually sets an example as one of the finest lawyers at Steinger, Greene & Feiner, and the face of part of the firm’s latest advertising campaign, “I Love My Attorney”.

Rachel Moore and her dog

Though law was not her first choice, Rachel eventually found her way into a legal career. Something that we are all very thankful for. She spent her formative years as a project manager for a construction company. Her plan was to eventually, one day, inherit and manage her father’s own construction company and take the reins.

It was at her first construction job, as a project manager, that Rachel honed her no-nonsense attitude. Spending her days telling roughnecks what to do and reminding them when they missed a spot.

It was while she was attending the Florida State University School of Law that She realized that law was not just a stepping stone to a career she would have in construction. Law was something that she enjoyed; something she was very good at.

Ms Moore followed her driven nature and her intuition into a legal career, and we are all fortunate to have her here on the Steinger, Greene & Feiner team. It’s her dedication to her craft as an attorney that has and continues to set her apart from other personal injury attorneys.

Rachel Moore has is a member of the Colorado Bar, The Florida Bar, and the Washington State Bar. Her passion, her desire, and her attitude make her a lawyer to contend with. We pity any counsel that sits on the other side of Rachel.

Rachel continues to set an example of what a powerful woman can do in the legal field and we hope to inspire women who are considering law as a profession to follow her shining example. There is a little Rachel in all of us, the desire to kick butt, we just have to find it! And until we do, Rachel Moore will be setting an example fighting as a personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale.

We asked Rachel to answer some questions, to provide insight into her life as a lawyer. As a powerful woman in an industry of predominantly men, how had Rachel Moore excelled, and how does she continue to excel.

Rachel Moor Pics

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle? 

“It is hard to pick just one moment and classify it as my proudest career moment, but I think I am most proud of myself and my accomplishments when I see the time and effort I put into my cases pay off in the form of winning in court or finally achieving a hard fought settlement for a deserving client. It is the challenging cases that have provided both my proudest moments and my biggest hurdles. Overcoming the hurdles and getting justice for my clients leads to my proudest moments.”

Who is your favorite female mentor and why? 

“There are so many inspirational women in the world today who I learn from on a daily basis, some I know and some I have never met. If I had to pick a specific female mentor within the traditional definition of the word wherein an actual relationship exists, the females I most seek trusted guidance from are the women right here at SGF who are always there to help solve a problem, provide advice, cover an appointment when I am double booked, strategize, and help me to become a better attorney each and every day.”

What’s the best advice anyone has given you? 

“I was running the largest caseload of my career to that point and it seemed impossible to manage it all. My paralegal at the time came into my office and looked at me and said “just keep swimming,” quoting Dory, a character in the movie Finding Nemo. That was years ago and I still have a Dory ornament hanging in my office to remind me to keep swimming when times get tough, when tasks seem insurmountable, or when it feels like I just can’t breathe.”

What advice do you have for other women entering into a legal career?

“Do you ever draw on your experience as a woman in your legal career? How so? Being a woman is part of who I am, it is what I am, it is the only experience I have. Being a woman in a historically male dominated field motivates me to be better, to learn as much as I can, and to prove that I am just as good as my male counterparts. I think the fact that I am a woman is one of the things that motivates me to work hard every day. While I am always striving to prove the typical stereotypes about women wrong, I am constantly using them to my advantage. It is extremely motivating to me to excel when I feel as though I am being underestimated solely because I am a woman, and, when I sense someone is underestimating me because I am a young woman, I work harder to show them just how wrong they are about me and our gender as a whole.”

Have you been met with issues of gender equality in the legal field?  How have you overcome them?

“I am met with issues of gender equality every day in the legal field. I have had opposing counsel assume I am the court reporter or clients, adjusters, and attorneys assume I am a paralegal because I am a woman. I do my part to overcome gender equality issues by working hard and learning every day how to be a better attorney and a better person. By getting better at my craft, helping other women in my field excel, and showing I can advocate for my clients in the same way a male counterpart can, I try to change people’s minds. I think by rising above the gender stereotypes and striving to succeed in this industry, women work towards overcoming gender equality issues every day and I am just here trying to do my part and prove my worth.”

And Rachel Moore has done so, time and time again.

The Ladies of The Law spotlight shines a much-needed light on the women who make the legal profession incredible. These hard-working lawyers are some of the finest in the industry at Steinger, Greene & Feiner. Through their shining example, we hope to inspire the next generation of women in law.


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