When Coach John Mistretta–founder of the West Palm Beach, Florida, non-profit Stellar Kids, Inc .–approached Steinger, Greene & Feiner about supporting this summer’s Stellar Kids Camp, our law firm knew it was the opportunity we’d been looking for.
“People today, more than ever, could use a little help,” says founding firm partner Michael Steinger. “Coach John has been serving our community for years with a steadfast commitment to youth development. Based on his history and vision through Stellar Kids Camp, we had full confidence that our support would directly benefit the parents and children who could use some good news the most. I hope that our investment can inspire other local businesses to invest in the programs and visionaries who are making a real difference in the lives of real people and the future of our world, our youth.”
With the financial support of Steinger, Greene & Feiner, this summer’s leasing expense for Stellar Kids Camp is no longer limiting Coach John’s vision to positively impact more children’s lives. 100% of the $10,000 contribution by Steinger, Greene & Feiner will go directly to the School District of Palm Beach County and School Principal Fund for the leasing of Odyssey Middle School for the eight weeks of camp, June 6 – July 28th.
For the past decade, Coach John has held summer camp annually for upwards of 170 children without a single major contributor. Through his steadfast dedication to youth empowerment alongside the Sherriff’s Department, School Boards, Correctional Facility Counselors, and Afterschool Program Directors, Coach John is able to minimize his operating costs for camp as vendors, community foundations, and activity providers honor his commitment with significantly reduced rates for coaching, class instructors, activity rental equipment, sporting equipment, and more.
Stellar Kids Camp is significantly less expensive than other camps in the area – Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm is only $95 a week. Now that the tab has been picked up for use of Odyssey Middle School’s grounds for the summer, Coach John is ecstatic to offer families who can use a break this summer partial scholarships, bringing camp tuition down to only $50 a week.
For more information, or to donate to Stellar Kids Camp, so even more children can attend camp this summer, please contact Stellar Kids Camp Founder Coach John Mistretta at 561.577.3399 or send your tax-deductible donations to Stellar Kids Inc., 7394 Hazelwood Circle, Lake Worth, Florida 33467.