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Child Sexual Abuse Advocacy

Highly Publicized Cases

Though child sexual abuse is often undisclosed, recent cases in the press have given courage to many more victims to speak up about their childhood abuse.

State-by-State Laws/Verdicts

Though every state has passed laws regarding child sexual abuse, each one handles these cases differently.

Guide for Victims and Families

The crime of child sexual abuse often goes unnoticed, and the damage done by this crime can last a lifetime. These guides can help you spot abuse, and figure out what to do if you discover it.

Signs to watch out for as a parent

Child sexual abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Though abuse isn’t always immediately noticeable, there are some common signs to watch out for.

Who is mostly likely to be victimized

Abuse can happen to anyone, but there are certain groups of children who are more likely to be victimized than others. In addition, there are certain groups of people who are more likely to be perpetrators.

What to do when abuse is discovered

If you discover your child is being sexually abused, there are steps you can take to help them. This includes being supportive of them, helping them seek counseling and even taking legal action.

About Steinger, Greene & Feiner

Steinger, Greene & Feiner has been fighting for justice for victims of child sexual abuse since 1997. We have seen the damage this crime can do to victims and families, and we are dedicated making things right. Our goal is to give a voice to those who have been abused, and to provide every resource possible to those affected. Our team of attorneys will fight to recover much-needed compensation to help pay for ongoing counseling and therapy.