When you or a loved one goes to the hospital, you trust the doctors, nurses, and clinicians to take the best care of you and to treat you properly.
But what happens when a distracted or unethical doctor makes medical recommendations that are not in the best interest of the patient? And what happens when injury or death happens as a result of those cases? And what is considered medical malpractice? You or a loved one have the right to pursue legal action.
The lawyers at Steinger, Greene & Feiner will help you pursue your claim and ensure you get the compensation that you deserve. You shouldn’t have to double-check if a doctor, who has been sworn to do no harm, is unethical. We will protect your rights against those responsible. If you have been injured in Coral Gables, call our office at (786) 220-2990 or contact us online at your convenience or visit us in person: 120 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134.
A Coral Gables medical malpractice lawyer can lay out exactly what you could be compensated for in your case. Doctors, nurses, and clinicians are a vital and necessary part of our community, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make mistakes. And when your life is in the hands of another person, a small mistake can have life-altering consequences. If you believe you were the victim in a medical malpractice case, be sure to find an experienced personal injury attorney in Coral Gables as soon as possible.
Developing a case against a doctor for medical malpractice could be more complicated than originally thought. Who is liable? Is it the surgeon, the doctor, the business, lack of training, the anesthesiologist, or a nurse? The medical malpractice claim will be processed in our office with an investigation to pinpoint exactly who or what was responsible in your case.

Regardless of who is liable, the lawsuit should include compensation for:
- Medical costs, both present and future
- Lost wages or earning potential due to the injury or loss of life
- Emotional distress, pain, and suffering
- Mental trauma due to the incident
- Wrongful death of a close family member
A Coral Gables medical malpractice lawyer can help you in understanding not only the legal jargon that surrounds your case but also the medical abbreviations and technical language on the accused’s side. We won’t allow them to confuse or trick you into a settlement that isn’t fair.
Steinger, Greene & Feiner applies experience and resources to all medical malpractice claims. We always ensure the maximum amount of just and fair compensation to our clients. Let us help you with your medical malpractice lawsuit.
Relentless Representation
You deserve experienced, ethical, and hard-working representation in your lawsuit. Steinger, Greene & Feiner are ready to relentlessly represent you and those you love. We have a team of lawyers, legal assistants, and paralegals working tirelessly to protect your rights.
Don’t underestimate your need for legal representation and advocacy. Even a seemingly small injury could have lingering and lasting effects, so don’t settle without speaking to an experienced lawyer and knowing your full rights.
Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice
Here are several of the most common injuries our clients suffer in medical malpractice lawsuits.

- Misdiagnoses – When your doctor incorrectly informs you that you have a disease, illness, or syndrome, this is referred to as a misdiagnosis.
For example: Being diagnosed with the flu when you have Lyme disease.
- Delayed diagnoses – A delayed diagnosis happens when your illness, disease, or syndrome isn’t diagnosed in a reasonable amount of time.
- Failure to diagnose – When a doctor fails to diagnose an illness, medical malpractice can be claimed due to negligence of care. With a proper diagnosis, treatment could have been arranged, but due to the failure, the issues remained or became worse.
- Unobserved drug interactions – Being administered a new drug and then not observing the patient for any interactions or allergies can lead to serious issues.
- Surgical mistakes – When the surgeon takes the wrong limb, operates on the wrong person, or performs the wrong procedure.
- Lab test errors – Failure to identify lab tests accurately could lead to worsening conditions or death.
- Birth injuries – Maternal mortality in America is very high, lagging behind several other wealthy countries. Several of these reasons are preventable, including hemorrhage or infection. If you were damaged due to the negligence of your birth doctors or lost a loved one during childbirth, contact us for a free consultation.
- Lack of cleanliness – Hospitals and clinicians have a duty to keep themselves, their tools, and their premises clean and safe for patients.
- Lack of staffing – If there wasn’t enough staff to properly care for you and it led to your injury or a fatality, you may have cause for a lawsuit.
- Wrong medicine administration or prescription – Administering or prescribing incorrect medication could cause numerous problems from lack of proper care, medical negligence, or even death.
Why does medical malpractice happen?
While medical malpractice shouldn’t happen, there are many reasons it could.
- Fatigue – Doctors who are tired or fatigued make mistakes. A medical malpractice lawyer will be able to guide you through proving the negligence that goes hand-in-hand with a doctor not getting the proper rest or care required by their job.
- Lack of staffing – Inadequate staffing can lead to overworked clinicians and doctors. Surgeons, nurses, doctors, and everything in between are vital in keeping a hospital running smoothly. A lack of staffing makes multitasking clinicians more likely to miss something important.
- Lack of supplies – Not having enough of or the proper type of supplies can lead to substitutions that aren’t nearly as good as the recommended ones. This can be as simple as a lack of cleaning supplies, bedding supplies, medical supplies, or needed medications.
Why Choose Us?
We at Steinger, Greene & Feiner are skilled and compassionate medical malpractice lawyers that know exactly what it takes to prove medical negligence or mistake in your lawsuit. We have 40 lawyers and several paralegals, investigators, and assistants who care about your case.
Call us today for a free consultation on your medical malpractice case and let’s make sure you get the maximum compensation owed to you.