Whether the abuse is ongoing, recent, or long ago, you may find the confidence and support you need to speak up and reclaim your life. Physical and sexual abuse of children still happens, despite increased awareness and tighter safeguarding protocols, and it destroys lives. Child abuse can have a variety of consequences, including depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol addiction, a proclivity for self-harm, relationship and anger management issues, and eating disorders.
We understand how you may feel as if you are the only one who has endured. Maybe you’re embarrassed. Perhaps you were blackmailed or brainwashed into hiding the abuse. Abusers employ these tactics to avoid detection. You may have been abused by a family member or a friend during school or boarding school, at an activity such as music classes or theatre school, or by a family member or friend. Specialist treatment is costly, and many patients may only afford it if they file a compensation claim. Our Fort Myers personal injury lawyers have helped over 30,000 clients earn more than $1 Billion.
Our child sexual abuse lawyers are experienced in handling abuse compensation cases at a speed that is appropriate for you, and they will work hard to get you the help you need – when you need it. For information on how to file a compensation claim for the injury you have suffered, contact our no-win-no-fee abuse attorneys now. Call us today at (239) 747-7473 for a free consultation.

Personal Injury & Bicycle Accident Case Results
Contacting our attorneys may be the most acceptable option you can make to strengthen your child sexual abuse claim and hold the liable party accountable. You will have a dedicated and experienced Child Abuse Solicitor working on your case if you hire our attorney. For a free consultation, call (239) 747-7473 right now.
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We’ll ask the questions we need to decide if you have a case when you initially contact us. If we believe you have a case, we’ll let you know, and if you do, we’ll handle it for you and provide accessible, friendly help throughout the process. Even if your abuse occurred many years ago, we may still be able to assist you and guarantee that you receive justice. You can take the first step in getting your tale heard and receiving essential support by speaking confidentially with a child sexual abuse attorney in Fort Myers who has assisted other adult survivors of child abuse. Bringing a suit against someone for prior child abuse isn’t always about the money.
We can assist you in achieving this peace and allow you to look forward to the future through the legal procedure of collecting compensation. Our Child Abuse Solicitors can assist you in winning your case and receiving the compensation your child is entitled to for the suffering he or she has endured.
Common Questions About Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
Do I Require the Services of a Child Sexual Abuse Attorney?
Because the law governing abuse compensation claims is so complicated, you should consult with a lawyer specializing in these types of cases. There are many potential traps and difficulties to overcome and unique processes to follow, even before a claim goes to court. An attorney who specializes in abuse cases is in the best position to guide you through this legal minefield and achieve the best possible result for you. Our skilled attorneys have handled a number of instances and assisted parents in receiving compensation. We will handle your sexual abuse case with the same sensitivity and professionalism that you would expect.
What Does It Take to File a Compensation Claim?
The first step is to figure out who you should file a claim against. This might be anyone from a residential care facility or the body that oversees it to a family member who has committed abuse in the home. We’ll then decide how the claim will be paid; many claims can be handled on a No Win, No Fee basis. We’ll next begin gathering evidence to help prove the claim and establish its value. A formal legal claim is filed in court if it is then proper to launch Court proceedings. In most abuse situations, a final trial is unnecessary, and many compensation claims can be resolved without going to court. If the lawsuit goes to trial, the individual who filed it may have to testify as a witness, but if that happens, our attorneys will provide guidance and assistance throughout the process.
How much will I be compensated?
The actual amount of compensation is determined by a number of factors, including how much the abuse has impacted your child’s life. What is the total amount of earnings you have lost or are expecting to lose as a result of the abuse? Will your child require additional assistance in the future? That’s why, in most circumstances, we have a medical expert create a report outlining the harm caused so that we can assess your claim and offer you an estimate of how much compensation you can anticipate. Rest assured that our firm will do all possible to ensure that you receive the largest amount of compensation possible.
Why Claim Compensation?
Bringing legal action can’t wipe away the suffering your child or a loved one has experienced, but there are many other reasons why it’s worth claiming compensation. For many, it’s the only recognition that what happened to them was wrong. Legal action helps survivors accept that what happened to them wasn’t their fault. Lawyers can aid the survivor’s recovery process as the first people to hear and validate their experiences. Compensation can help survivors get appropriate treatment, such as counseling, and rebuild their lives. Speaking out on abuse can encourage other survivors to speak out. Bringing legal action can ensure other people don’t have to suffer in the same way as your child does.
What are the time limits of the case?
Generally speaking, a child abuse claim should be brought by your 21st birthday. However, the courts realize that it can take a long time for child abuse survivors to report the abuse they’ve experienced due to mental health issues or feelings of shame or embarrassment over what happened. You might still be allowed to file a claim if you were abused as a kid and above 21. The court has the authority to extend the time limit, and in some cases, even if several years have passed, the court may allow you to file a claim outside of the time limit. We’ll work with you at our firm to persuade the court to lift the time restriction and compensate you for the mistreatment you’ve suffered.
Stages of a Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
If someone has sexually abused your child, you have the right as a parent to hold the offender accountable and seek compensation. In Fort Myers, you’ll need a skilled child sexual abuse attorney to handle your case.
- We will hear your case and determine whether or not you are eligible to file a lawsuit. We usually do some research, talk to prospective witnesses, study the perpetrator’s assets, speak with your child’s therapist, and so on by the time we’ve decided to take a case.
- The perpetrator or his lawyer may offer financial information to assist us in determining the amount of fair compensation. We will file and serve the lawsuit if the case does not settle at this point. Unless there are legal challenges to the lawsuit, the perpetrator will almost certainly hire counsel, and the “discovery” portion of the litigation process will commence.
- Your child’s deposition may be taken as well. The perpetrator’s counsel asks him questions in a deposition, which he answers under oath. A court reporter records his responses. If the perpetrator tries to attend the deposition and it is too distressing for our client, we can have the court order that he be removed from the deposition.
- Your attorney is there to protect you if the opposing attorney asks your child inappropriate questions, and you have the right to halt the proceedings at any point if you have a solid reason.
- Finally, if the case does not settle in a settlement, a trial will be held.
- Although only a small percentage of these types of cases go this far, you should expect a trial in which much of your child’s and the perpetrator’s tale will be presented. The trial procedure is something that no client appreciates. It is a complicated situation. Some things about your child will be mentioned that you will strongly disagree with, and there will be things you want to say that the jury will never hear. The burden of the trial procedure will, once again, be reduced to the maximum extent possible for you from our attorney.