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Fort Myers Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you were injured in your workplace, whether in a construction accident or as a result of exposure to hazardous chemicals, you may be entitled to compensation or reimbursement for medical bills, lost wages, disability, and retraining. It can be confusing to file a claim on your own. You should contact the Fort Myers workers’ compensation lawyer to give you legal advice and guide you about the lawsuit. Our lawyers will handle all the paperwork while you focus on recovering from your injuries. Our Fort Myers personal injury lawyers are available 24 hours a day.

Our Fort Myers workers’ compensation attorneys charge no fees unless you collect. Contact us at (239) 747-7473 for a free consultation or visit us at 9160 Forum Corporate Pky, Suite 350, Fort Myers, FL 33905. If you have been injured, are unable to do work due to a disability, or have lost a family member due to a deadly accident in the workplace, it is crucial that you file a claim as fast as possible. If not, you may lose valuable benefits. If your employer disputes the claim, our attorneys will try to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. They are skilled and determined lawyers who will fight for you until you win the compensation you deserve.

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Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation Case Results

A variety of things can cause workers’ compensation claims. Here are several examples:

  • Whether caused by an accident or repetitive trauma, back injuries can result in temporary or permanent disability.
  • Depression as a result of physical injuries and concerns connected to the inability to work are examples of mental diseases.
  • Accidents in the construction industry and ports
  • Asbestosis and other hazardous chemicals can cause illness.
  • Accidents involving large machinery and power tools

If you’ve been harmed on the job at your workplace, and if the injuries are severe enough to bring high medical bills and doctor fees for you, it’s not a good idea to just let it go. Instead, you can file a claim against the employer because it is his responsibility to ensure your safety in the working place. Contact our professional lawyers in Fort Myers to get the compensation you deserve. Contact us at (239) 747-7473 to get free legal advice.

Reviews of Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Our Fort Myers workers’ compensation attorneys have many years of experience fighting for the workers and helped thousands of them get the compensation they are entitled to. When you call us for help after a work-related injury, we’ll do everything we can to maximize your workers’ compensation benefits. Give us a call today at (239) 747-7473 to learn about your rights and discuss your options.

Client Testimonials

9160 Forum Corporate Parkway #350, Fort Myers

4.8 87 reviews

  • Avatar Jane Tackett ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    The entire group from Steiner, Greene and Feiner have been amazing! Reyna Molina was our attorney and we worked with her two paralegals Marcella and cannot recall the other. They did an outstanding job on our case for myself and my husband … More after our car accident. A few times I would even receive calls later in the evening where she worked after hours. I would highly recommend Reyna and her team!Jane T
  • Avatar Josh Ward ★★★★★ 6 months ago
    This was my first time in a car accident. Being hit by another motorist, I was completely lost as to what would be fair with regards to the insurance companies,so I contacted Steinger, Greene & Feiner. In short, they were incredible, … More and I am so glad that I made the call. They remained available with immediate answers to any questions throughout the process, provided fantastic direction with each step, and helped secure a resolution far beyond what I would have thought possible. I highly recommend them!
  • Avatar Marie Alice ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    Everyone who represents Steinger, Greene, & Feiner that I have had the pleasure of meeting thus far has ɓeen kind while maintaining a professional demeanor… So much so that I feel confident in my decision to hire this firm to represent … More my case!

Steinger, Greene & Feiner’s Team of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

There’s always the chance of getting wounded on the job, whether you work in an office or on a construction site in Fort Myers. An injury or sickness at work can leave you with serious injuries and prevent you from returning to work. It may put you in a tough and challenging situation. You might not be able to make ends meet without financial support. Although you can make a claim for compensation against your employer, the procedure of receiving benefits might be difficult. You can’t simply fill out a straightforward form and wait for a check the next day. You must complete all required paperwork, stick to strict deadlines, and follow all insurance company policies and procedures.

It’s not in the insurance company’s best interests to pay out workers’ compensation claims. Insurers make money by denying and undervaluing claims. They will try to let you jump through hoops and do anything they can to minimize the benefits you’re ultimately awarded. Hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer to help you navigate the workers’ compensation benefits process is one of the best things you can do after getting hurt.

Common Questions About Workers’ Compensation Lawsuits

How Long Does It Take To Get Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation benefits normally arrive within three weeks if the insurance company accepts your claim.

You are responsible for informing your employer of your injury or illness. You are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, but you are unable to file a claim. Some states have a date by which you must report the accident, injury, or illness, or your workers’ compensation coverage will be revoked. If you live in Fort Myers, you have a 30-day deadline. If it takes longer than three weeks for you to receive medical bills and a percentage of your lost wages, you should contact a workers’ compensation attorney from our firm. If you have concerns about workers’ compensation claims, contact our attorneys for a free case review. You can reach us at (239) 747-7473.

How Much Do I Receive from Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Several factors can influence the amount of workers’ compensation you receive, including:

  • Workers’ compensation laws in your state.
  • Your hourly wage (whether hourly or salaried).
  • If you’re a seasonal or contract employee.
  • If you’ve spent a year working in the same industry.
  • To be eligible for medical benefits, you must agree to a medical examination by your employer’s doctor. You may contact your doctor, but workers’ compensation does not cover this exam.

Does Filing a Workers’ Compensation Lawsuit Affect Employment?

If you are an employee who was harmed at work, you have the right to request that your employer submit a workers’ compensation claim on your behalf. This fundamental right cannot be taken away from you if you use it. However, your employer may try to fire or suspend you for submitting a claim in specific cases. It is highly illegal, and you are encouraged to talk to an attorney who may protect you. Workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance. It means that you may collect benefits regardless of who caused the accident, injury, or illness.

Is it possible to switch jobs while receiving workers’ compensation?

You may not be able to change employers while collecting workers’ compensation in several states. Others, on the other hand, allow it but with some limits. It’s a good idea to consult with our attorney before changing employment while receiving workers’ compensation. You don’t want to endanger your benefits mistakenly. Some insurance providers may try to use your employment change as an excuse to avoid paying your medical bills or lost wages.

Our firm’s lawyers can help you with a variety of difficulties, including:

  • Discrimination or harassment in the workplace
  • Benefits for workers’ compensation were denied.
  • A licensed medical provider has placed limits on your work.
  • Third-party liability claims for personal injuries
  • If you are a surviving member of the family, you are eligible for death benefits.

Benefits from workers’ compensation may not be sufficient to cover all of your expenses. Workers’ compensation rules varied from state to state. Both employers and workers have different obligations and limits. Fortunately, regardless of where you live, we can assist you with your workers’ compensation problems and queries.

How Much Is the Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Settlements for workers’ compensation vary depending on several circumstances, including:

  • Your injuries or illness’s nature, severity, and scope
  • Whether there was a total or partial disability
  • Timeframe for your recovery

Workers’ compensation laws differ by state, although they generally address a wide range of issues. Injuries, illnesses, accidents, diseases, and even deaths are all possibilities. The criteria for having workers’ compensation insurance and the procedures for filing a claim differ by state.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers in Fort Myers can help you make sure you receive benefits according to your injuries and damages. Call (239) 747-7473 for a free consultation.

Is it possible to be fired while on workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation insurance is a sort of coverage that most businesses are required to have. Its purpose is to give workers financial compensation if they are harmed on the job, regardless of fault. Workers’ compensation laws exist in almost every state to safeguard employees who are injured at work. These regulations intend to protect both employees and employers. Because you filed a workers’ compensation claim, your employer is most certainly banned by state law from firing you.

What Constitutes a Reasonable Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Each workers’ compensation settlement is different due to the unique circumstances of each case. In general, insurance companies (including those that issue workers’ compensation coverage) prefer to settle for the least amount of money. After all, insurance companies profit from collecting premiums and losing money from the payment of claims. That is why many injured, or disabled persons seek help from a workers’ compensation attorney. Our attorneys may evaluate your damages by carefully examining your injuries, both physical and emotional.

Workers’ compensation should, at the very least, cover:

  • A licensed primary care physician.
  • All medically necessary treatment and care for your injuries.
  • Reimbursement for travel expenses related to official medical care and treatment.
  • Wages have been lost.

To learn more about your benefits, call us today.

Stages of a Workers’ Compensation Lawsuits

When a work-related accident occurs, a workers’ compensation claim is filed with the insurance carrier, which is usually accepted and compensated with a certain sum. The employee must next accept the offer and receive the compensation amount that has been approved. The insurance company, on the other hand, seeks to offer as little compensation as possible. An injured worker may employ a lawyer instead of accepting the insurance company’s offer and demand a greater payment.

If this is possible, why doesn’t every injured employee do this to get more money for the injury? Because if the workers decide to pursue a workers’ compensation claim, there’s a chance they’ll be paid less than the insurance initially promised. The injured worker will meet with their attorney to determine what they believe is reasonable compensation for the injury. The employee and his or her lawyer normally examine the following variables when settling on this amount:

  • Medical expenses, including the present and future.
  • Wages lost and prospective future earnings lost
  • Payments for people with disabilities
  • If necessary, the cost of retraining to perform the job
  • The state’s workers’ compensation rules and regulations in which the injury happened
  • The validity of the employee’s claim (weighing factors that could reduce the amount they’ll receive)
  • Fees for legal representation

If the two parties cannot agree on a compensation amount, the only option is to have the settlement decided by the courts.

Insurers may also initially accept the claim and begin paying benefits but later challenge the claim if there are reasonable circumstances to believe the injury was not real or not work-related. In such a circumstance, a court struggle is almost certain to ensue.

In a normal settlement process, the worker who suffered the injury must waive the right to sue their employer to receive the approved compensation. However, suppose they allege that they were hurt due to the negligence of their employer or a third party. In that case, they can bypass the workers’ compensation system altogether and sue the responsible party for damages.

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