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St. Petersburg Birth Injury Lawyer

Having a child is the happiest time in a parent’s life, a moment that’s full of joy—every parent dreams about their child having a successful and happy life. While the majority of children are born healthy, a small percentage of babies suffer an injury during or shortly after birth. Every parent is devastated by these horrific birth circumstances. Most parents want to know what happened to their baby once the immediate shock has worn off. When some doctors and medical establishments are slow to offer answers because they could be held responsible for the injuries, contact a St. Petersburg birth injury lawyer as soon as possible. Our St. Petersburg personal injury attorneys are here to help.

There are questions about why their baby was hurt and whether it could have been avoided. If you are one of the parents who have suffered this devastating experience with your child in St. Petersburg, it’s time to seek legal assistance from a birth injury attorney. It can be tough to find solutions to these questions. Parents can get answers to these inquiries from an experienced birth injury lawyer. As a reliable law firm in St. Petersburg, our attorneys are here to help you with your case. Visit us or call us: 360 Central Ave, Suite 800, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, (727) 346-6039 and speak to an attorney today.

If you’ve any questions about birth injuries, we may be able to help you find the answers. Birth injury cases include injury to the baby, mother, or sometimes both. Many accidents are unavoidable, but some result from medical negligence from the doctors, meaning a claim may be possible against them. Because of the legal and medical complexities involved, including expert opinion on long-term needs, such situations are often complicated.

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Personal Injury & Birth Injury Case Results

If you think your child has suffered a birth injury that might have been preventable, we can help make that determination. Our lawyers start by meeting with you to get the facts. They then obtain all the relevant medical records and perform a detailed and comprehensive review. Where indicated, they will consult with highly qualified, respected, and independent doctors to get the answers you need and deserve. Call us today to get a free consultation at (727) 346-6039.

Reviews of OurBirth Injury Lawyers

Our skilled and experienced lawyers have successfully concluded many high-value birth injury cases. We are experts in achieving maximum awards to fund rehabilitation, support, therapies, and education. Because we need to ensure that the child is old enough to assess lifelong needs, these cases mostly take time to conclude. However, we can get interim payments to ensure that urgent and pressing needs can be met as soon as possible. Read St. Petersburg birth injury lawyers reviews.

Client Testimonials

360 Central Avenue Suite 800, St. Petersburg

4.7 783 reviews

Steinger, Greene & Feiner’s Team of Birth Injury Lawyers

If you and your family have been affected by birth trauma, The Steinger, Greene & Feiner St. Petersburg birth injury Lawyers can help you. We have a team that includes well knowledgeable and experienced lawyers. Our birth injury lawyers in St. Petersburg have vast experience in these cases and will tirelessly advocate for your child and your family.

To recover compensation for a birth injury case, it is essential to prove that the doctor, or hospital, failed to live up to the obligation to provide reasonable care to their patients. If no other healthcare professional with the same background would have made the same mistakes in the same circumstances, the physician who provided inferior care can be held liable.

Our birth injury lawyers will ensure that you receive compensation for birth injuries, including paying all medical bills for treatment your child will need for life. That compensation will also include payment for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and lost wages you have suffered. The injuries in a birth injury case can be very serious. We have represented more than 200 birth injury cases, and we know how to make the legal system work for you. Contact us at (727) 346-6039 to request a free, no-obligation consultation today.

Most Common Questions Asked About Birth Injury Lawsuits

Why Make a Birth Injury Claim?

By providing you with expert legal advice, our birth injury lawyers aim to get you the answers you need and make daily life easier for you and your child to manage. Our lawyers will work with you and medical experts to obtain compensation so you can improve your family’s quality of life. We have years of experience bringing together case managers, therapists, and support workers, making real and practical changes to our clients’ lives.

It involves helping you adapt your home to improve your child’s access, obtaining funds for professional care, ensuring you have the best aids and equipment your child needs, and assuring future financial security.

How do I know I can make a birth injury claim compensation?

Parents are frequently unaware that their kid has a birth injury until they return home from the hospital. The signs and symptoms of birth trauma can be modest at first, and the doctors and midwives caring for you will often be enthusiastic about your child’s chances of recovery. Most families who contact our firm for advice doubt if they have received substandard care but have questions about their childbirth experience. By contacting our birth injury lawyers, you will be taking the first steps to answer your questions and obtain substantial lifetime compensation for your child.

What happens when I make a claim?

Contact one of our firm’s lawyers for a free consultation if you want to pursue compensation for a birth injury. Our birth injury attorneys will listen to you, examine your situation, and advise you on whether or not you have a claim.

Can my child or I access long-term medical treatment and rehabilitation?

Medical treatment, rehabilitation, long-term care, and property adjustments are all included in the claim submitted on your child’s behalf. If your claim is approved, we’ll make sure it has everything you need and ask for it as part of your settlement.

Our birth injury lawyers will acquire interim financing to put a support package in place as soon as a liability admission is obtained.

Questions to Ask Your Birth Injury Lawyer

How much compensation will I receive?

Our lawyers will work tirelessly on your child’s birth injury case to get a compensation award to provide the child with funds for care, aids, equipment, accommodation, and other financial losses. How much compensation depends on many factors. It includes the nature and extent of your child’s injury, your child’s care needs, the cost of medical treatment, loss of earnings, and loss of pension contribution.

What types of injuries are eligible for compensation?

Any injury sustained at birth that resulted from the negligence of the medical care is eligible for compensation. The most common injuries include Erb’s Palsy, Klumpke’s Palsy, Shoulder Dystocia, Caput Succedaneum, Cephalohematoma, Perinatal Asphyxia, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Subconjunctival Hemorrhage, Paralysis, Spinal Cord Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, and Brain Damage.

How can you help me with a birth injury lawsuit?

As with any medical negligence claims, birth injury claims are very vigorously defended by the medical insurers and defense team. They will not concede fault and will dispute every element of compensation you claim. A medical defense team is a group of highly skilled lawyers backed by a multi-billion dollar defense fund. They will resist and dispute everything. You will need an experienced lawyer from our firm who can prove the claim and take the claim to trial, which many times will be necessary. Further, birth injury claims – again, like all medical malpractice claims – are challenging to establish and prove to the satisfaction of a court. A skilled trial lawyer is needed to be successful on the claim.

Stages of a Birth Injury Lawsuit

Almost every birth injury lawsuits follow a similar process. After evidence is gathered, the lawsuit is filed. Our lawyer will then either reach a legal agreement called a settlement or go to trial to resolve the case. Our lawyer can help you file your claim on time, gather the evidence you need, and obtain compensation. Although every case is unique, the general steps involved in filing a claim are detailed below.

Claim Investigation

Before filing a claim, our lawyer will need to determine the extent of treatment and, in turn, compensation your child will need. To do this, you and the lawyer can create a Life Care Plan that highlights how much your child’s medical needs will cost you throughout life.
Then, the lawyer can start the birth injury lawsuit process to get money for the expenses listed in the plan.

Gathering Evidence

Our lawyer will show how your child’s injuries from malpractice for the lawsuit to be successful. To develop a compelling case, they will gather information and evidence from you.
This information could include any health issues you had during your pregnancy, the events leading up to and after your kid’s birth, and any current medical disorders your child has.

Filing the Lawsuit

Our attorneys will draft and file the lawsuit against the defendants, typically the doctors and hospitals responsible for your child’s injuries. Then, the court will then issue a schedule for the case.


After the defendants respond to the complaint, the lawyer will gather more information to strengthen your case. It is known as the discovery process, and it takes place over a predetermined period as set by the court. During this time, the lawyer may ask for further medical records and other documents related to your child’s birth to obtaining more detailed information. During this time, you, your loved ones, and expert witnesses may be required to make statements or answer questions under oath.


Before coming to trial, the majority of birth injury lawsuits are settled. Your attorneys and the defendant’s attorneys will negotiate a sum for you in order to reach a birth injury settlement. It is frequently to your best advantage to settle the case because you will receive money sooner. The other option is to go to trial, which takes longer, adds legal fees to your claim, and does not guarantee that you will win.


If a settlement is not possible, the case will be taken to court, where a judge or jury will decide the outcome. Because lawsuits are risky, only a small percentage of them make it to trial. Even if you have proof that a doctor damaged your child, there’s no way of knowing if a jury will pay you damages.

Verdict and Reward

Each side will make their final arguments after all of the evidence has been heard. The judge or jury will then decide if the defendants are to blame for your child’s injuries and, if so, how much compensation they must pay. You will be compensated if the judge or jury rules in your favor. However, if they side with the defendants, you may not receive any compensation at all, or you may be forced to go through a lengthy and unpleasant appeal procedure. The additional dangers, costs, and time are all reasons why most people choose to settle their lawsuits rather than go to court.