Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured by the actions or negligence of another, you are likely facing enormous medical bills and other financial challenges. You deserve a legal advisor who can help guide you through your available options. A Tampa personal injury lawyer can assist you with identifying all potentially liable parties and pursuing them for the maximum amount of compensation available under state and federal law. For more than 20 years, our Tampa car accident lawyers have been fighting for the rights and compensation of our clients. Let our Tampa personal injury attorneys help you!

Steinger, Greene & Feiner have represented personal injury victims in Tampa and across Florida for over 20 years. We provide aggressive legal advocacy for all our clients, including those affected by Tampa car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents. Our experience has shown us that personal injuries can leave lasting repercussions — some of which persist throughout the victim’s life. Brain injuries, spinal cord damage, birth injuries, and malpractice injuries are just some examples.

How Steinger, Greene & Feiner’s Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

Your needs are our top priority, which is why we leverage all available laws, prior case rulings, and negotiation strategies to help you seek monetary restitution. We collaborate with medical and economic professionals to accurately estimate all damages incurred as a result of another’s negligence. Our Tampa personal injury attorneys have successfully represented more than 32,000 individuals, and we have a history of winning large settlements and court awards to compensate them for their damages.

Contact us to speak with a Tampa personal injury lawyer. You can learn what legal options and possible strategies you could employ to determine your full damages, identify parties who could be liable for their costs, and potentially pursue a strong injury claim against every single one.

Call us now at (813) 553-5352 or contact us online.

Cases Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Tampa Have Represented

Steinger, Greene & Feiner has extensive experience handling all manner of personal injury cases throughout Florida. Many of our clients were victims of devastating car, truck, or pedestrian accidents. Others suffered an injury while receiving medical treatment, such as a drug injury, an injury during surgery, or a misdiagnosis.

We also represent families who have tragically lost a loved one to a personal injury, leaving them with a substantial financial and legal burden to sort through. By filing a wrongful death case on their behalf and on behalf of the deceased’s estate, we can hold liable parties responsible for the circumstances of the death. Your personal injury case hinges on the fight against the Tampa attorney you hire, the insurance company, and your insurance policy.

Cases our personal injury attorneys in Tampa have successfully represented include:

These cases have resulted in many successful past outcomes, including:

  • $7.5 MILLION Bicycle Accident Outcome for a bicyclist struck by a vehicle that drifted into their bicycle lane.
  • $11.1 MILLION Dram Shop Verdict for a client seriously injured on their motorcycle by a patron who had been over-served and allowed to leave of his own accord.
  • $8.1 MILLION Truck Accident Verdict for a client rendered unable to work following a rear-end collision caused by a wrecker truck.

Compensation You May Recover in a Tampa Personal Injury Case

One of the challenges injury victims and their families must grapple with is estimating the full extent of their damages. Damages, in the legal sense, refer to all losses the family has experienced. If these damages can be attributed to the negligent actions of one or more parties, then those parties will be legally obligated to pay for them.

Damages include all financial costs that resulted from your accident, including:

  • Medical bills, past and future
  • Out-of-pocket expenses, including Rx costs, transportation, and more
  • Lost wages from missing work while you recovered
  • Repairs to vehicles damaged in the accident
  • Other property damage, including personal effects destroyed in the incident
  • Lost benefits or income-earning potential resulting from the injury
  • Lost domestic services that the victim performed before the injury

Victims can also seek compensation for non-financial losses that resulted from the injury, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement
  • Loss of a familial relationship

In wrongful death cases, the surviving family members and the estate of the victim can seek most of the damage types above as well as:

  • Lost income the deceased would have earned
  • All costs of medical treatment before the accident
  • Lost benefits
  • Permanent loss of a familial relationship
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Losses to the victim’s estate

Personal injury victims can feel scared and lost in the wake of their accident. They may not know what legal options exist for them to seek a personal injury claim against parties they know or suspect to have been at fault for their injury circumstances. They may not even be aware that their injury could be attributed to the negligence of one or more liable parties.

If an injury victim does know that they have a possible claim, they can quickly become frustrated or feel defeated by the response they get. Insurers have a priority to pay out as little for claims as possible. They will use any tactics they have available to reduce the value of a claim — or deny it entirely. Allegedly negligent parties may also deny responsibility, forcing victims to fight for their claim so they can get the money they need to move on with their lives.

The Tampa personal injury law team at Steinger, Greene & Feiner has seen all of these tactics before, and we know how to respond to get our clients’ cases taken seriously. We seek out the type of evidence and legal arguments that compel juries, which often encourages defending parties to settle rather than fight an uneven legal battle.

All of our cases are built with the idea that they could stand in front of a jury trial. However, we are willing to negotiate settlements and mediate before we proceed to litigation. This approach reduces the costs, time, and effort required of our clients while giving their case the strength it deserves.

We Serve the Following Areas

You Only Pay If We Win Money For You

When you work with a Tampa personal injury lawyer at Steinger, Greene & Feiner, you can know with confidence that we are doing everything we can to give your case the highest chance of success. We have a team of over 30 experienced attorneys as well as over 140 staff to assist them. Our attorneys have argued cases in front of juries in the largest court systems in Florida, including federal court cases.

You receive the benefit of our extensive experience and legal resources without having to pay for any of them upfront. Your case operates on a contingency agreement, meaning you won’t have to pay for your legal representation at all unless we win your case.

This arrangement allows us to represent personal injury victims who may not have the financial resources available to combat high-powered insurance and corporate law teams. It also motivates us to seek every available legal avenue to bring you the full extent of your financial and non-financial damages. Your insurance policy may be confusing, but not for an experienced Tampa personal injury attorney. Your insurance claim can be easily understood if you know what to look for.

Client Testimonials

5440 Mariner Street UNIT 211, Tampa

4.8 580 reviews

  • Avatar Ashley Allen ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    Extremely grateful for Barry and his team!! You all made this horrible issue my daughter and I were in, so much easier and with so little stress. Words really can’t express how thankful I truly am for you and everything you have done for … More my family. I recommend Barry and this firm all the way. He puts his all into making sure you are very well taken care of!! Thank you all again!!!
  • Avatar Kenneth Stringer ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    I would highly recommend using this firm. They are kind, caring, and professional in every aspect of their job. They communicate well throughout the process and were always willing to put my needs before their bottom dollar. I cannot Thank … More them enough for how well they treated me. I honestly walked away from this feeling like I mattered to them and for me that was important. Lastly, might I add that LeAnn is the best... She made the process easy
  • Avatar Dee Spano ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    I contacted this group of Attorneys to help me with a accident I was in, the Insurance company told me they weren't going to pay my hospital bills. They have always kept intouch with me, checking in to see how I was doing. Kept … More me informed as to what was going on.They have let me know what was going was don and let me know exactly what was going on. They answered my questions and informed me as to what was going on. My settlement was great and the check was delivered. You need help they are always there for their clients.

Clients Rate Steinger, Greene & Feiner Tampa 4.9 Stars

Our Tampa location has received 4.9 stars out of 5. Our team works hard to ensure that each one of our clients leaves our law firm with the maximum check they deserve. We fight for you! You can see our Tampa firm’s personal injury reviews here.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with an Experienced Tampa Personal Injury Attorney

Many cases have a statute of limitations that can affect a victim’s ability to file a claim after 2-4 years. Evidence may also be lost over time since the injury-causing incident occurred. These circumstances mean that victims have the motivation to take speedy legal action while they maintain the right to seek a claim.

Call Steinger, Greene & Feiner at (813) 553-5352 or contact us online to schedule your free, confidential, no-obligation consultation with a Tampa personal injury attorney today or visit us at our offices: 5440 Mariner St, Unit 211, Tampa, FL 33609.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have been injured, are receiving medical bills, or are experiencing pain and suffering, then you should hire a car accident attorney in Tampa to help you get the money you deserve. Don’t settle for your PIP settlement alone, you should be compensated fairly. Even if you think your accident was minor, speak with a car accident attorney.

Car accident settlements are not fixed. Although the average settlement in Florida is $15,000, you could earn much more on your claim. If your case goes to trial, your average increases to $30,000. Your settlement amount is dependent on the facts of your case.

Almost all personal injury attorneys in Florida work on a contingency fee basis. That means that your personal injury attorney will not receive payment if you do not win or settle your case. If you do win or settle, most personal injury attorneys will take between 33% and 40% of your compensation. Which means you never pay out of pocket at all.

In many cases, the first offer will be far too low. That’s why we always recommend working with a personal injury attorney before accepting the first settlement check offer. That being said, there is no average settlement amount or best settlement amount that applies to all cases. Many times, the settlement amount will depend on the personal injury lawsuit which is very specific. Your settlement amount will be based on liability, proof of negligence, medical bills, lost wages, property damages, and finally pain and suffering.

We pay settlements in lump sums with a single check that clients can choose to receive by mail or to pick up at one of our 11 firm locations.