Would you like to find a lawyer in Tennessee?
With growing offices across the U.S., we serve clients who have been injured by the actions of others. Our phones and chats are answered 24 hours a day, so we can help you no matter what time you are injured in Tennessee .
Please select a Tennessee town, city, or metro area closest to your location. Our location pages below have a lawyer profiles, directions, case types and client testimonials of our attorneys to help you determine who to hire.
Use the links, call our phone numbers or use the form below to contact a lawyer in the area nearest you to get legal assistance.
Who We Are
With a legal team of over 50 attorneys and more than 150 case managers, legal assistants, legal investigators, and support staff, Steinger, Greene and Feiner have the resources and experience it takes to win in Tennessee .
Our dedicated Tennessee attorneys have 10 decades of combined experience handling personal injury cases.
How do I choose my lawyer in Tennessee? Think about the following:
- How long has the attorney been practicing worked on other cases like yours in Tennessee ?
- Does the lawyer seem interested /educated in solving your problem?
- How are the lawyer’s fees structured – hourly or flat fee?
- Are you comfortable providing personal information to the lawyer?
- Is the lawyer’s office located in a Tennessee location nearest your home or office?
Contact us to set up an appointment and meet your Tennessee City personal injury lawyer.
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