Steinger, Greene & Feiner is a West Palm Beach personal injury law firm that represents victims of child sexual abuse in civil cases. Our attorneys approach child sexual abuse lawsuits with compassion, understanding, and comprehensive legal knowledge, giving clients reassurance during a time of uncertainty and anguish. Our West Palm Beach law office is located at 1645 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd #900, and you can call us any time of the day or night at (561) 566-5021 to schedule your free consultation!
What You Need to Know
Child sexual abuse is one of the greatest wrongs a person can perpetrate on another and there is no justification for any individual to sexually abuse a child. Those who have been victimized by child sexual abuse may face serious physical harm and emotional trauma in childhood at the time of the abuse.
Unfortunately, the lasting consequences of child sexual abuse often don’t just go away with age or time, either, and many adults who were abuse victims continue to feel the impact of their abuse into adulthood. Unfortunately, in some cases, the very organizations designed to protect children – like schools, youth groups, churches, or clubs – are the ones who put them in the path of an abuser and make abuse possible. These organizations often go unpunished for negligently allowing the abuse or looking the other way.Some victims decide to file a civil lawsuit against the responsible organization with the help of a West Palm Beach child sexual abuse attorney. A civil lawsuit is a kind of personal injury claim that is intended to allow the abuse victim to recover financial compensation, which can pay for important things like therapy and recovery services after the abuse.
Child sexual abuse civil lawsuits do not send an organization to jail like criminal cases do. Civil lawsuits are about financial compensation – making the defendant pay to “make the victim whole.” Of course, there is no amount of money that can ever undo the damage that the abuse caused. Still, collecting financial compensation from the responsible party can be beneficial for many abuse victims because:
- The compensation can help the victim deal with any financial ramifications of the abuse, such as the need for therapy.
- The child sexual abuse case can be the only way to punish an organization that was complicit in the abuse.
- The civil lawsuit can help the victim force the responsible organization to stand up and take responsibility.
The child sexual abuse civil lawsuit can be a way to get more closure and to get a clear declaration that the organization is liable for the harm caused. These are just some of the reasons why many people bring child sexual abuse civil lawsuits against an organization that was in some way responsible for the abuse. Ultimately, you will need to decide if you wish to bring such a case in an attempt to make the defendant pay monetary compensation. A West Palm Beach child sexual abuse lawyer can help you understand whether you have enough evidence to make a strong case.
My case couldn’t have been handled better. It was handled in a timely manner – it wasn’t rushed. If something ever happened again and I needed an attorney, Steinger, Greene & Feiner would be the first place I would go.
Susan D.
A personal injury can occur in a variety of ways, but almost all have the same results in common. Suddenly, your life is disrupted and possibly jeopardized physically, emotionally, and financially by an accident or incident which could have been prevented.
How Much Can Steinger, Greene & Feiner Get You?
If you decide to make a civil claim against your abuser, the amount of compensation you may receive is going to depend upon the strength of your case. The compensation will usually come from the insurance company of the organization that you sue. Whether you settle out of court for an agreed-upon dollar amount negotiated by your West Palm Beach attorney or whether you have your day in court can also make a difference in the amount of compensation that you receive. If you go to court, the jury will decide first if the defendant organization should be held liable and, if so, what the defendant should have to pay.
Our West Palm Beach personal injury attorneys have been fighting for and protecting the interests of individuals and their families through personal injury claims for more than a decade.Due to the serious nature of child sexual abuse, juries often award large damages to the plaintiff. It is, however, important to remember that every case is different. So, how much can Steinger, Greene & Feiner get you? Contact our caring West Palm Beach child sexual abuse attorneys today to find out more about what your damages might be or about how we can help: (561) 566-5021.
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